The most special Zuiderzee towns to visit

For centuries the villages of Blokzijl, Kuinre and Vollenhove were situated on the Zuiderzee where they received a lot of income from fishing and / or as a trading city. But with the arrival of the Noordoostpolder, all of this changed dramatically. Those who visit these villages will notice that the age-old atmosphere has lingered in the villages.



Blokzijl started as a settlement and later became a fortress on the Zuiderzee. Here, hostile Spanish ships were stopped who wanted to invade the interior. If you walk along the harbor, you will notice that the atmosphere has lingered and you will feel that the sea-going vessels can enter at any moment. Beautiful monuments remind of the time of the French Revolution, for example the gardens of Marxveld where four style gardens from different eras can be seen. The Oldruitenborgh estate and Toutenburgh castle also recall that time.



In Kuinre you can see the traces of an old fishing town. The rivers "Tusschen Linde" and Linde are the waterways to the Frisian lakes and NP Weerribben-Wieden. If you walk along the harbor, you will notice that the atmosphere has lingered and you will feel that the sea ships can enter at any moment. Beautiful monuments remind of the time of the French Revolution, for example the gardens of Marxveld where four style gardens from different eras can be seen. The Oldruitenborgh estate and Toutenburgh castle also recall that time.



Like Blokzijl and Kuinre, Vollenhove overlooked the Zuiderzee for centuries, but with the arrival of the Noordoostpolder that changed. If you walk along the harbor, you will notice that the atmosphere has lingered and you will feel that the sea-going vessels can enter at any moment. Beautiful monuments remind of the time of the French Revolution, for example the gardens of Marxveld where four style gardens from different eras can be seen. The Oldruitenborgh estate and Toutenburgh castle also recall that time.